The Cyber security services of Bitdefender have found the security design flaw of LG webOS software susceptible to intruder attacks. This new information alerts us that over 90,000 LG TV models (webOS 3.0-2022) face this security thread.
The thesis of Bitdefender defines the latest update of LG webOS software facing an authorization issue that could lead to various data breaches. In layman’s terms, the LG TV is unable to verify the authentication of a verified user. Using this poor file handling method as a weakness, intruders on the internet can easily break the security of LG TV to access user’s data.
By cracking the security, they can easily overcome authorization, and access privileges, and invoke various commands on your TV. Utilizing this fatal design flaw, an intruder can perform potential damage to your TV as well as exploit your data. Some of the risks that an intruder benefit from this security risk are as follows.
- Credentials of TV apps
- Change channels on your TV
- Adjust the volume on your LG TV
- Stream wilful content on your TV
- Penetrate your home network and data of connected devices, and a lot more.
With this primary risk out in the open and with Bitdefender’s help, the LG TV services have addressed the issue. The backend team of LG TV is currently working on their software and is really on edge to solve this security thread with an upcoming update. So we recommend our community users stay on their toes to update the LG TV to elude this risk.
For more information regarding this subject, stay tuned for the updates in our community forum.